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Weighing Scales Blog Inscale Scales

Warehouse Scales: A Buyers Guide

Industrial and commercial environments require robust, accurate weighing scales for manufacturing, stock taking, packaging and distributing goods, but with so many available, which one is right for you?

Here we’re going to break down the world of warehouse scales, giving the pros and cons of each to help you make the correct decision when purchasing.

Platform scales

Platform scales is a term used to describe large, heavy duty weighing scales that are capable of weighing up to extremely high capacities. They can be used for weighing extremely heavy subjects in warehouses, such as pallets, crates and barrels.


  • Can weigh up to high capacities which make them perfect for regular weighing of heavier subjects - the Kern BFB Platform Scale is capable of weighing up to 6000 kg for example.
  • Platform scales are some of the most durable and robust weighing scales available, and they can safely weigh large, awkward and heavy subjects without the risk of damaging the weighing scales. The PT Platform range from Adam Equipment features a tough, chequerplate surface made from a long lasting mild steel.


  • If you require a weighing scale with a high level of precision, a platform scale is perhaps not the best option due to their higher readabilities. Buyers should instead look at floor scales or bench scales for smaller subjects.

Our pick – Adam PT Platform Scales

Hanging scales / Crane scales

Though both terms are often interchange, hanging scales traditionally feature a lower capacity than crane scales although both are designed with a hook mechanism where subjects can be picked up and weighed. They are very suitable as warehouse weighing scales and can be used to weigh large, heavy boxes and crates, or for weighing sacks of goods in dispatch departments.


  • Alongside platform scales, crane scales are some of the highest capacity weighing instruments available in industrial and commercial settings. Some crane scales such as the Kern HFA Crane Scale are capable of weighing up to an impressive 10000 kilograms – perfect for weighing large batches of stock in warehouses.
  • Because of their unique design, crane and hanging scales can be used to transfer goods whilst weighing, saving time and boosting efficiency.
  • Crane scales are also very easy to store as they don’t posses any large weighing platforms. This makes them a great option for smaller warehouses where space is not a premium.
  • Crane scales are very suitable for safely weighing awkward shaped subjects, as users don’t have to manually lift any heavy items up onto a weighing platform. They can instead simply harness the desired subject, control the crane and take the weight reading from a safe distance.


  • As the name implies, crane scales require a gantry crane or an overhead scale for lifting, so will not be suitable for warehouses that do not posses one of these.

Our pick – Adam LHS Crane Scales

Bench scales

Bench scales are perhaps what most people think of when they think of a weighing scale, and can have a wide range of uses in a warehouse environment. Because they are used on a bench or worktop, they are suitable for production lines or dispatch departments.  


  • Bench scales are prefect for warehouses that require a weighing scale with a smaller footprint. These instruments can be placed on any bench or worktop and will leave plenty of room for tools, documents or other weighing subjects.
  • Bench scales can be rich in features, many of which can be hugely beneficial to warehouses. Checkweighing scales can be used to quickly check the weight of a subject to ensure it is within pre-set weight parameters – perfect for shipping or dispatching departments. Counting scales can also be used to accurately count the amount of a given subject, making them ideal for stock taking and inventory monitoring tasks.


  • Bench scales are not the scale for you if you require a larger, higher capacity weighing scale for your warehouse. Buyers should instead look at either a floor scale or a platform scale instead as they will offer larger weighing platforms and will be safer to operate as user will not have to lift heavy subjects up onto a bench.

Our pick – Inscale IBS Large Bench Scale

Floor scales

Floor scales differ from platform scales as they are often smaller in size and have lower maximum capacities. They would be more suitable in a warehouse that required the weighing of medium sized boxes or bags of goods, or generally anything that would be too big for bench scales but would not require a platform scale.


  • Like bench scales, many floors scales come rich in features and functions to help make weighing processes easier and more efficient. This can include IP ratings, weighing functions such as checkweighing, parts counting and more.


  • For weighing lighter subjects, it’s recommended to use a bench scale as they will likely offer a more precise weighing experience.

Our pick – Inscale IFS Floor Scale

Pallet truck scales

Another high capacity industrial weighing scale that is ideal for use in warehouses, pallet truck scales are built to weigh large heavy subjects that are specifically on wooden pallets.


  • Pallet truck scales are unique in the way that they can also be used to transfer subjects as well as weigh. Some instruments such as the PTS from Adam Equipment feature zero-radius pivoting handles that allows for users to move and manoeuvre stock around the warehouse with ease.
  • Pallet truck scales are extremely safe to use as they do not require users to manually lift or even touch weighing subjects. Users can quickly and simply lift pallets, check the weight and then drop the stock back down when necessary.


  • Pallet truck scales are perhaps not as easy to store as other warehouse scales (such as crane scales or bench scales) and require a larger area for them to safely be left when not in use.

Our pick – Adam PTS Pallet Truck Scale

Still unsure about what warehouse scales are right for you? Ask a member of our team for more information and we will be happy to help. Our phonelines are 01908 972660 or Get In Touch with us.

Previous article Mechanical Scales vs Digital Scales: Which is Better?

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