How Counting Scales Can Reduce Waste in Your Business
Curbing production waste is one of the most difficult issues to tackle for companies around the globe – but it’s also one of the most important. Counting scales can be an extremely useful tool and can be used as part of waste reduction strategies in manufacturing industries of all kinds.
This blog aims to show you how to reduce factory waste across your business and explore the different ways in which you can keep your unnecessary rubbish to a minimum.
Why is it important to reduce waste in the workplace?
According to government statistics, in 2018 England produced an estimated 37.2 million tonnes of industrial and commercial waste - an increase of 1.1 million tonnes in 2017. We’re still awaiting the statistics for 2019 and 2020, but there’s obviously alot we can do to help minimise our waste output.
Environmentally, unnecessary industrial waste is harmful, but it’s also something that can be improved by creating efficient work practises that can keep delays, overproduction and defects to a minimum.
What are the main types of waste?
Industrial waste comes in many different forms, but perhaps most obvious and worst is overproduction. Making too much stock in advance means you will hold onto more inventory, costing money on storage and any inefficient manoeuvring that is required. You also run the risk of producing stock that is not sold, meaning money has been wasted on raw materials, labour and storage.
How can a counting scale help?
Using a counting scale at the end of a production process enables businesses to understand when it’s time to stop producing. Using forecasting methods, users can set a figure for how much of a product is required, and then use a counting scale at the end of a production line to quickly determine when that number has been hit.
Overproduction can feed into other forms of waste, such as avoidable transportation. This is often completely avoidable and can cost time, fuel, labour and storage, as items are moved from one area to another. Transportation can also greatly increase the chances of damage to your products so it’s recommended to do it as little as possible.
How can a counting scale help?
A counting scale can help by improving your logistical processes, as users can quickly and efficiently weigh a batch before being despatched. This allows you to know the exact amount of what you are transporting and gain a better understanding of the practicalities of how it can be stored. Using a counting scale before dispatch can also help to ensure that you do not unnecessarily transport goods, saving fuel and helping to protect from any potential damage which may come as a result of transport.
Delays happen for all kinds of reasons - including transport issue, problems with stock levels and product recalls – it’s important it’s kept to a minimum as it costs unnecessary time and money and can lead to unsatisfied customers. Defected products can also happen, and it’s best to keep them to a minimum as it can also lead to unsatisfied customers if delays and recalls occur.
How can a counting scale help?
Counting scales can be used in a number of different ways to ensure all of your processes are kept moving efficiently. In dispatch and packaging procedures they can be used to quickly and accurately count items, ensuring all products are uniform before being shipped to customers. Counting scales can also be used to check the weight of a product which can lead to defected products being spotted earlier.
Perhaps not what you would immediately think of in terms of industry waste, but too much inventory slows all of your processes down, creating a less efficient production, transport and storage process. This ultimately costs time, money and resources, so it’s best to try to keep your inventory to the lowest it can be to ensure the customers receive their products on time.
How can a counting scale help?
Using a counting scale throughout the production, transport and storage process allows you to create a log to see exactly how much of a product you have at each individual point. As well as weighing data, you also have date, time and location to create a detailed breakdown of your inventory levels. This will give you the information you need to create an accurate inventory forecast to ensure you’re not storing more than you need.
If you require any more help or want to know how a counting scale can benefit you, please Get In Touch with us.
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